Game Developers Conference masih dijadualkan akan berlangsung dari 16 hingga 20 Mac 2020.
Acara Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2020 nampaknya akan menjadi kurang meriah tahun ini apabila 2 firma utama pembangun permainan telah menarik diri daripada menyertai persidangan tersebut.
2 firma utama itu adalah Oculus dari Facebook dan Sony Interactive Entertainment dari Sony. Ia berikutan kebimbangan firma tersebut terhadap penularan wabak Covid-19.
“Out of concern for the health and safety of our employees, our dev partners, and the GDC community as a whole, Facebook’s AR/VR and Gaming teams won’t be attending this year’s Game Developers Conference due to the evolving public health risks related to COVID-19.” Oculus.
Sementara pihak Sony Interactive Entertainment pula memaklumkan penarikan diri mereka menerusi laman
“We have made the difficult decision to cancel our participation in Game Developers Conference due to increasing concerns related to COVID-19 (also known as coronavirus). We felt this was the best option as the situation related to the virus and global travel restrictions are changing daily. We are disappointed to cancel our participation, but the health and safety of our global workforce is our highest concern. We look forward to participating in GDC in the future.”
Disebalik penarikan 2 firma pemain utama dalam industri permainan ini, GDC 2020 masih akan berlangsung sepertimana yang dijadualkan iaitu dari 16 hingga 20 Mac 2020 di San Francisco, California.
Berkenaan status terbaru Covid-19 pula, wabak pembunuh itu telah disahkan menjangkiti seramai 75,748 mangsa (setakat 20 Feb 2020) dan telah meragut lebih daripada 2,200 nyawa di seluruh dunia (berdasarkan semakan terbaru dari laman WHO).
Sumber: PCMag