Laman Grafik Dan Foto Percuma Popular Freepik Digodam, Lebih 8.3 Juta Akaun Pengguna Terjejas

Jika anda pengguna setia laman popular Freepik, anda sepatutnya ada menerima notifikasi dari pihak Freepik Company yang memaklumkan telah berlakunya insiden penggodaman pada laman sesawang mereka.

Ia berikutan berlakunya insiden memasukkan SQL pada laman mereka yang menyebabkan penggodam dapat menceroboh sebahagian pangkalan data pemilik akaun Freepik.

"The security breach was due to a SQL injection in Flaticon that allowed an attacker to get some user’s information from our database." Freepik Company.

Freepik memaklumkan, insiden tersebut melibatkan lebih daripada 8.3 juta akaun Freepik.

Oleh itu, Freepik mengsyorkan supaya para pemilik akaun Freepik untuk segera menukar kata laluan akaun mereka dengan segera.

"Those who had a password hashed with salted MD5 got their password canceled and have received an email to urge them to choose a new password and to change their password if it was shared with any other site (a practice that is strongly discouraged). Users who got their password hashed with bcrypt received an email suggesting them to change their password, especially if it was an easy to guess password. Users who only had their email leaked were notified, but no special action is required from them." Freepik

Susulan insiden itu, pihak Freepik kini sedang bekerjasama dengan firma keselamatan siber bagi menyiasat perkara tersebut.

Freepik Company juga memohon maaf kepada para pelanggan mereka kerana insiden tersebut.